Saturday, July 31, 2010

I lost....

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Location:Cam Folk Fest

Hat and girl

- Posted on the go using BlogPress

Location:Cam Folk Fest

I lost my fire engine

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Location:Cam Folk Fest

Tree of Lost Things

- Posted on the go using BlogPress

Location:Cam Folk Fest

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stuff and Signage

What do Ben and Kirsty like to do untill 1:30am on a Monday night? Well, dear readers, we like to make beautiful signs and get excited about aging effects. There was a particularly good moment at about quarter to one when we discovered that painting very watered-down white paint over the top of a coffee-stained and varnished surface looks quite cool (the varnish must still be wet). This is the finished product of our labours. Beautiful typography by Mr. Farrell, filling in the lines and any weird splashes of coffee by me. The dappled areas on the tree and bird are copperleaf - another moment of surface-decoration-induced-ecstasy.

Secret Garden Party Festival are sending a runner to collect all our bits for The Tree of Lost Things this morning (hence the spurt to make the sign). Its a strange feeling to be handing over all our bits and not to have to worry about packing them into the car with four people and a load of camping stuff (it is a small car). A large part of theatre making seems to involve lugging weird shit all over the country, and not driving means I have developed secret muscles, an innate sense of whether something will fit on a bus and a feeling of foreboding whenever someone says the words 'cant we just take it on the tube?'. Consequentially, my two top 'characteristics' to look for in a potential partner have become; 'can drive' and 'has a van'. Romantic huh?

Photo Gremlins

Having some issues getting the bulk of photos taken off a memory card which apparently ceases to exist when plugged into a computer. So here a the few I have found for the moment... W

We lost the wine bottle for the shadow show dress rehearsal so thought a petrol can could add a different angle to the story, practicing fishing for the moon, us, wine, and the lamb about to be pit roasted by Kevin (right) and Rodger (the WWOOFer).